Magnetic Performance in the Metallurgical Industry
Coking, sintering, puddling, steel production, power, and rolling/plating are all processes utilized in the metallurgical industry. Here, engineers troubleshoot circulating fans, wastewater systems, conveyor belts, blowers, and a variety of different pumps to ensure production runs smoothly. When it doesn’t, these organizations reach out to suppliers that can offer equipment upgrades and energy efficient products.
A steelmaking blast furnace that was utilizing a hydraulic coupling suffered from several breakdowns and expensive costs for spare parts. Oil leaking was severe, polluting the environment and causing additional challenges. MagnaDrive installed the WH-4000-II ASD (3,500 kW, 1,450 r/min) in 2015. The system is much more efficient and produces an energy savings of more than 45 percent. Vibration has been isolated extending the life of the fan, bearings and motor. The ASD install provided reduced maintenance work and costs.
A circulating dust exhausting fan ran at full speed and did not include any automation. The install of a WH-4000 ASD (2,240 kW, 745 r/min) in 2014 provided an energy savings of almost 50 percent, reduced electric costs significantly and isolated the vibration resulting in extended component life.
A cooling fan at the Qiangang Sintering Plant used a damper to adjust flow and wind pressure causing frequent variations. Energy was wasted and the damper wore out very quickly, causing additional maintenance work. The install of a WH-4000 ASD (25,000 kW, 990 r/min) in 2014 provided a more efficient system and a 36 percent energy savings. Vibration was isolated and wear-out/maintenance costs were reduced.
A smoke extraction fan at the Chonqi Qineng Electrolytic Aluminum Plant was mostly manually controlled and featured low automation capabilities. Network pressure varied causing wear on the damper and additional maintenance work. An install of a WH-3500 ASD (1,600 kW, 990 r/min) in 2015 resulted in a 23 percent increase in energy savings, damper wear was reduced and vibration isolated. Now the bearings, motor and fan run longer and more efficiently.
An ASD29 (450 kW, 1,485 r/min) was installed at an Angang Energy Control Center in 2015 after the previous equipment performed inadequately. The pressure varied frequently therefore a valve was installed to adjust flow and pressure. This valve caused wear, absorbed large amounts of energy, and required constant maintenance work. The ASD now controls the pressure variations; the valve is at full open condition and is avoiding extra energy consumption. The result is an overall energy savings of 41 percent.
Three WH-2500 ASDs were installed at the Huayin Aluminum Plant for a steam cooling pump in 2014. Before the install, water flow and pressure was adjusted via a valve. The ASDs provided a 50 percent increase in energy savings, isolated the vibration and extended the life of the fan, bearings and motor. Maintenance work and costs were significantly reduced.
In many of these applications, the install of water-cooled adjustable speed drives provided key enhancements regarding speed adjustments and energy efficiency. By isolating component vibration, motors, bearings and fans can enjoy extended life and maintenance crews can focus on other challenges around the metallurgical plants. Visit the MagnaDrive website to learn how an ASD can upgrade fans, blowers, belts, and additional manufacturing systems at
Next week, we’ll examine water-cooled ASD applications in the mining industry.