Case Studies

DC Water & Sewer Authority


When a pump check valve failed, the resulting reverse flow back into the pump caused the pump shaft to break. Poplar Point rented different pumps to try to solve the situation (at $80,000 per month)

The Solution

  • MagnaDrive’s Maryland/Washington D.C. partner, Das Solutions, proposed installing two (2) 26.5 Vertical ASDs with non-reverse clutches to prevent the pump shaft from rotating backwards and allow DC Water the speed control they required.

The Results

  • The Results: These ASDs were installed in 2011. At a 2013 meeting at DC Water’s main office, MagnaDrive was informed that the pumping station had saved almost 2 million dollars since the drives were installed.
  • DC Water not only achieved the speed control they required, but were also able to remove the $80,000-per-month rental pumps.