Diavik Mines
Customer: Diavik Mines, Canada
- MagnaDrive distributor ANM Equipment was contracted to design a mine dewatering system required a flow of 1000 to 5000 GPM with head pressure varying from 40 to 120 meters.
- Ambient temperatures in winter (-55°C) needed to be addressed in the packaged design
- A minimum of 1000 GPM through the system must be maintained at all times during the winter months.
- All piping and control valves had to be installed inside an insulated and heated container due to extreme weather conditions.
The Solution
Diavik Mines installed three MagnaDrive 20.5 ASDs with Beck electric actuators and a 7000 gallon enclosed tank.
The Results
- The de-watering skids are critical components in the mine’s operation with reliability and consistent performance absolutely required.
- MagnaDrive ASDs are performing well and are meeting all expectations.
- The MagnaDrive ASDs are mechanical devices, only required a quick check and adjustment of their air gap before being ready for start-up.
Adjustable Speed Drive and magnetic coupling solutions from MagnaDrive are ideal for a wide range of applications.