
MagnaDrive Showcases Magnetic Coupling Systems at the Middle East Rotating Machinery Conference & Showcase in Dubai

The recent Middle Ease Rotating Machinery Conference & Showcase in Dubai offered us the opportunity to showcase our technology for regional audiences. We were welcomed to the event by our advocate in the Middle East, Abdulrahman Al Fadhel.  The event was organized to allow participants to provide presentations with question and answer sessions afterward, showcase success stories and latest innovations in the industry, and finally present industry trends and hold a panel discussion.

Demonstrations, for Large Audience

The event was attended by technical experts from all over the world to discuss the latest technology related to Rotating Machinery for various Industries and to network with key industry peers. The forum enhanced communication and helped in exchanging knowledge between the major industrial stakeholders.

ME RoTIC was the first rotating equipment technology and innovation conference in Middle East. The event featured technologies from all over the world that will help Oil & Gas Producers, Power Generators, Aviation industry etc. to enhance their productivity more effectively in today’s challenges including maintenance and reliability areas of machinery.

It also included key service providers and engineers involved in equipment design, standards, maintenance and reliability practices that evolves around the rotating equipment of heavy industry.  The topics covered were as follows:

  • Rotating Equipment Technology (Turbines, Pumps, Compressors, Gearboxes, Engines, Centrifuges,Motors, Generators)
  • New Trends in Rotating Machinery Designs, materials
  • Equipment Specifications, Technology & Performance
  • Equipment Reliability & Advanced Techniques
  • Asset Life Assessment, Remaining Life Assessment of Aged Critical machines
  • Rotating Equipment Technology (Turbines, Pumps, Compressors, Gearboxes, Engines, Centrifuges,Motors, Generators)
  • New Trends in Rotating Machinery Designs, materials
  • Equipment Specifications, Technology & Performance
  • Equipment Reliability & Advanced Techniques
  • Asset Life Assessment, Remaining Life Assessment of Aged Critical machines

Presentation on the topic of magnetic coupling technology

The Middle East Rotating Machinery Conference and Showcase was also the ideal environment in which to explore more about the potential of magnetic coupling technology within the various marketplaces. Geoff Harmon of MagnaDrive delivered a comprehensive presentation on the topic of magnetic coupling and the presentation was well received by representatives from major firms around the globe. The presentation was followed by a Saudi Aramco case study also showcasing MagnaDrive technology in operation at several of their refineries and highlighting the maintenance and energy savings results achieved by Aramco refinery operations.

Addressing key questions

MagnaDrive also welcomed the opportunity to address the questions they’d received prior to the Conference regarding the use of magnetic coupling technology. Such questions included:  1.

  1. Are Magnetic couplings more expensive than mechanical couplings?
  2. Are Magnetic coupling much heavier than mechanical coupling. Due to the high mass, can it can cause shaft bending during operation
  3. When retrofitting existing pumps, will it cause reduced flow and head due to magnetic slip?

4.Is the torque transfer is limited with magnetic coupling. Hence normally magnetic coupling for small capacity pumps?

  1. Is the installation of a magnetic coupling more difficult than mechanical coupling?
  2. Is it the case that the only application where it might be worthwhile to consider a magnetic coupling is when there is a need to reduce the speed in case of oversized pumps? Can you save energy and process by increasing the gap between two rotating magnetic plates and increase RPM slip? Will this allow pump speed to be reduced?
  3. Are magnetic couplings normally only used for marine application in navy vessels etc.

These question, as well as many others, were addressed with the conference attendees.

Event follow-up

As part of the event follow-up, MagnaDrive has now made connections with several leading vendors in the Middle East marketplace to further work on magnetic coupling applications in the region. The company is sending out videos of their technology and disseminating case studies highlighting the return on investment their current clients have received through working with MagnaDrive systems.

To learn more about MagnaDrive and our appearance at the Middle East Rotating Machinery Conference and Showcase, please call our team today.


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